Oct. 26, 2009
“Greening the Grid Part One”
As the world gets ready for the Copenhagen climate
talks in December, Tim Weis of The Pembina Institute presents a
groundbreaking plan for reducing coal-fired electricity, while adding a
diverse mix of renewable power to our grid. We also air a short excerpt
from a previous interview with Dr. David Schindler.
Watch “Made-in-Alberta” on Shaw TV, cable 10 – better to catch the
weekend show
Made-in-Alberta runs during the Shaw TV daily show on Mondays and the
weekend show. Tonight it is playing at shortly after 4:00 PM, then not
again until about midnight. It also plays Tuesdays from midnight to 6:00
AM and 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. A good time to catch it on the weekend is
Saturday or Sunday evenings at six, seven, eight, etc.
Getting to a Net Zero Energy Lifestyle in Canada – Wed. Nov. 4 from 7:00
to 8:30 pm
Montreal architect Sevag Pogharian is pushing the borders of net zero
buildings by creating the Alstonvale Net Zero House, which strives to
generate all the energy required for the household’s domestic and local
transportation needs, while integrating home-scale agriculture. Join
SolarAlberta for our new Solar Seminar season at a new location: Grant
Mac Ewan University, Downtown Campus, 105 Street Building, CN Theatre
5-142. Come at 6:30 for free refreshments and to mix it up with other
renewable energy enthusiasts.
Barb’s Field Notes: Go green! (No nukes!) Alberta Legislature, Tues.
Oct. 27, noon
gal·va·nize (gāl'və-nīz') tr.v. 1. To stimulate or shock with
an electric current.
I was looking for a word to describe the effect on my fellow Albertans
of the spectre of nuclear fission in our province. I think nuclear
fission has done well for some populations, but it is an expensive,
polluting, non-renewable energy source. Albertans are fossil-fuel
experts, sitting on vast renewable energy resources we have only begun
to tap. As we plan our new energy future, to know ourselves – intimately
– is the highest law.
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